Self-evaluation of effectivness of different ways of financing
Partner regions have carried out the self-evaluation of the ways of EE financing which is summarized in following table.
Which of the ways of financing energy efficiency investments do you consider the most effective?
Emilia – Romagna
- Own resources
- EU funding
- Loans / grants from national co-financing programs
- Bank loans
- Other (what?): private investments
Zlín Region
- Own resources
- EU funding
- Loans / grants from national co-financing programs
- Bank loans
- Other – EPC
Tolna Megye
- EU funding
- ESCO financing
- Loans / grants from national co-financing programs – completing EU funds
- Bank loans
- Own resources – very limited
City Municipality of Velenje
- EU funding
- Loans / grants from national co-financing programs 3. Bank loans
- Own resources
- Other
- EU funding
- Loans / grants from national co-financing programs 3. Bank loans
- Own resources
- Other
Stadtgemeinde Judenburg
- Loans / grants from national co-financing programs
- Own resources
While own funding provides the most independence when it comes to planning and realization of EE investments, other ways are more effective in terms of cost. EU funding (most often at 85% rate) is mostly used for financing staff and documentation (action plans, strategic documents, project designs etc.) with very rare investments into equipment and refurbishment. However, city does have great experience with EU funding of smart metering, electric cars and buses, energy refurbishments etc. At the same time grants from national co-financing programs are the most effective means of financing energy efficiency investments as they co-finance real investments (equipment, materials, work...) at substantial percentage and in high total amounts.
Gmina Lubawka
So far, in the Municipality of Lubawka EU funding has covered the majority of expenses for EE investments with own resources of the municipality playing the complementary role (forced by the rules of the EU Operational Programmes and partly financed from the bank loans). There is not much experience of financing energy efficiency in other ways.
On a basis of information provided we can create the “evaluation matrix of EE financing ways” and show graphically which ways of financing are considered to be the best.
Evaluation matrix of EE financing ways
Emilia – Romagna |
Zlín Region |
Tolna Megye |
Velenje |
Płońsk |
Judenburg |
Koprivnica |
Lubawka |
Summary |
Own resources |
5 |
5 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
4 |
28 |
EU funding |
4 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
5 |
32 |
Loans / national grants |
3 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
27 |
Bank loans |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
12 |
Other (ESCO, EPC... |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
The evaluation is relatively influenced by the existing experience on partners ́ side and their observations from projects and activities implemented. This situation creates the opportunity for awareness raising and introduction of other ways of EE financing which should be one of the roles of EE financing strategy and financial roadmaps developed further in BOOSTEE-CE project.