Partners were asked to outline their activities in EE financing for upcoming period. This overview serves just for better realization what activities need to be financed and thoroughly consideration of ways of their financing. The table below can serve also as an inspiration for partners both inside and outside BOOSTEE-CE consortium.
In line with REP and ROP the EE activities will be focused on:
- EE in buildings and urban areas
- Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources
- EE in industry
- Research and innovation
Priority area 1: Support to energy management in the subjects of the Zlín Region Priority area 2: Support to efficient energy utilisation in the Zlín Region Priority area 3: Support to RES and non-conventional sources of energy Priority area 4: Increasing safety and reliability of energy supply in the Zlín Region
The energy efficiency investment’ preparation and planning will be supported by the Recommendations of the County’s Climate Strategy. The County and the Agency intends to support the adhesion of municipalities to the Covenant of Mayors and the elaboration of SECAPs.
Renovation of public buildings (kindergartens and schools) according to ESCO model
- EE renovation within ongoing EU projects (BOOSTEE: E-Central, projects of local energy agency KSSENA)
- EE activities planned in Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI; in Slovenian language CTN): Cohesion founds-(EFRR-Regional development founds) for realization of selected projects on the topic of energy efficiency and sustainable development of cities - 3 public building are planned to be renovated
- Revitalization of the buildings located on the city square
- Within the frames of “Płońsk energy cluster” CMoP foresees the development of the following documentation:
- Energy balance for the Płońsk Energy Cluster.
- Analysis of the conditions and potential for the development of distributed energy.
- Estimation of the potential of RES energy production.
- Energy efficiency improvement plan.
- Energy management system (EMS) - Analysis and implementation of the management system; controlling and registering energy and media consumption, monitoring of energy efficiency indicators, among others in public buildings, in outdoor and street lighting systems, etc. This study can be treated as a basis for activities towards the construction of intelligent networks.
- “Płońsk energy cluster” recommends conducting the continuous insulation of public utility buildings.
Conversion of heating systems from electric heating to district heating in town museum, primary school Judenburg-Stadt and Kaserngasse 22 (youth hostel, music school and other users)
City is most probably going to focus on energy refurbishment of existing public buildings, especially schools, kindergartens and other buildings from educational sector.
- Increasing the energy efficiency of the Kindergarten building at Dworcowa 27 in Lubawka
- Increasing energy efficiency of the historic City Hall building in Lubawka
- Revitalization of historical monuments, including historical urban layouts inhabited by socially excluded, economically and culturally people
- Thermo-modernization of multi-dwelling buildings
- Exchange coal heating in the municipality
- Control of the raw material used as fuel
- Modernization of a residential building in Lubawka (at Al. Wojska Polskiego St.) with EE improvement
- Modernization of a residential building in Chełmsko Śl. (at Kamiennogórska St.) with EE improvement
- Increasing energy efficiency of the historic City Hall building in Lubawka