Comparison of current funding mix matrix for EE financing (2017)
Funding mix matrix 2017 |
General fundraising |
Core financing |
Project funding |
Programme funding |
Summary |
Emilia – Romagna |
0 |
6 000 000 |
2 400 000 |
72 600 000 |
81 000 000 |
Zlín Region |
0 |
175 080 |
112 040 |
5 090 000 |
5 377 120 |
Tolna Megye |
0 |
0 |
96 700 |
9 407 000 |
867 296 700 |
City Municipality of Velenje |
0 |
172 528 |
0 |
0 |
172 528 |
Płońsk |
0 |
3 300 000 |
2 593 560 |
15 952 |
5 909 512 |
Stadtgemeinde Judenburg |
0 |
722 300 |
532 900 |
0 |
1 255 200 |
Koprivnica |
0 |
2 713 500 |
677 500 |
0 |
3 391 000 |
Gmina Lubawka |
0 |
0 |
741 000 |
0 |
741 000 |
When analysing just one year in EE financing (unlike in the section 2.2 when 5 years period was considered and only for EE projects, EE services excluded) and taking into consideration all the data available in the section 2.2 we can unambiguously conclude that the way and amount of EE financing is considerably fluctuating from one year to another and is to a big extend depending on existing sources from Operational Programmes, namely in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia and Slovenia.
Italian and Austrian partners declare more stabilized situation either on regional level (Emilia-Romagna) or on municipal level (Judenburg).
Graphical illustration of actual yearly EE financing in particular regions and areas is following. This illustration and data provided are reflecting not only the classification by the purpose and temporality (general fundraising, project funding, core financing and programme funding) but also by the origin of these sources. However, when speaking about the origin of financial sources it is important to realise that category ́loan ́ and ́own sources ́ are many times overlapping as municipality/region normally allocates resources for EE financing on the level of overall regional/municipal budget as one item on the side of municipal planned costs while loans are resolved separately for the whole municipal/regional budget on the side of municipality incomes.
General fundraising |
own |
External |
loans |
- |
- |
- |
Project funding |
own |
External |
loans |
1 800 000 |
600 000 |
0 |
75,00% |
25,00% |
0,00% |
Core financing |
own |
External |
loans |
6 000 000 |
0 |
0 |
100,00% |
0,00% |
0,00% |
Programme funding |
own |
External |
loans |
21 780 000 |
50 820 000 |
0 |
30,00% |
70,00% |
0,00% |
Zlín Region
General fundraising |
own |
External |
loans |
- |
- |
- |
Project funding |
own |
External |
loans |
112 040,00 |
100,00% |
Core financing |
own |
External |
loans |
175 080,00 |
100,00% |
Programme funding |
own |
External |
loans |
3 461 200 |
1 628 800,00 |
68,00% |
32,00% |
Tolna Megye
General fundraising |
own |
external |
loans |
- |
- |
- |
Core financing |
own |
external |
loans |
- |
- |
- |
Project funding |
own |
external |
loans |
96 700,00 |
100,00% |
Programme funding |
own |
external |
loans |
9 407 000 |
100,00% |
General fundraising |
own |
external |
loans |
- |
- |
- |
Core financing |
own |
external |
loans |
172 528 |
100,00% |
Project funding |
own |
external |
loans |
- |
- |
- |
Programme funding |
own |
external |
loans |
General fundraising |
own |
external |
loans |
Core financing |
own |
external |
loans |
3 300 000 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Project funding |
own |
external |
loans |
700 261 |
1 893 299 |
0 |
27,00% |
73,00% |
Programme funding |
own |
external |
loans |
2 393 |
13 559 |
15,00% |
85,00% |
General fundraising |
own |
External |
loans |
- |
- |
- |
Core financing |
own |
External |
loans |
722 300 |
100,00% |
Project funding |
own |
External |
loans |
484 939 |
47 961 |
91,00% |
9,00% |
Programme funding |
own |
External |
loans |
- |
- |
- |
General fundraising |
own |
external |
loans |
Core financing |
own |
external |
loans |
2 713 500,00 |
100,00% |
Project funding |
own |
external |
loans |
677 500,00 |
100,00% |
Programme funding |
own |
external |
loans |
General fundraising |
own |
external |
loans |
Core financing |
own |
external |
loans |
Project funding |
own |
external |
loans |
148 200 |
592 800 |
20,00% |
80,00% |
Programme funding |
own |
external |
loans |
- |
- |
- |
It is apparent on the first sight that two levels of governance are compared. While regions (Emilia Romagna, Zlín Region and Tolna County) are relying almost entirely on programme funding, municipalities are utilizing mainly core financing or project funding. The mutual share of the core financing and project funding at particular municipalities varies a lot which is depending mainly on actual external sources of funding available and it definitely will vary from year to year.
This reliance correlates with GDP per capita as the trend is – the lower the GDP per capita is the bigger reliance on external sources of EE financing funding is.
Judenburg, the municipality with the highest GDP per capita among analysed areas, almost entirely relies on own sources.