Monitoring process off EE financing policy was explored as well with the focus on indicators that may serve as good examples of EE financing monitoring and evaluation. As there is not any particular EE financing strategy in partners’ regions (chapter 2.4.1) neither are established monitoring processes dealing just with EE financing. However, partners are evaluating their strategies against chosen indicators that are introduced in the table below. Some of them are related just only to EE financing, some of them relate rather distantly.
Monitoring indicators used
Emilia – Romagna
- Reduction on Industry Energy consumption GWh
- Number of Companies receiving financial support Nr of Companies
- GHG emission reduction Tons of equivalent CO2
- Energy Savings GWh
- Additional Renewable energy power MW
- Reduction of particular matter emission (PM10) Kg PM10
- Reduction of NOx emissions Kg NOx
Zlín Region
- Sources of funding identified
- Number of applications developed
- Number of advisory meetings aimed to providing information on sources of funding available
Tolna Megye
- The projects have to describe the expected volume of energy saving and related reduction of CO2 emissions.
- Moreover the County may ask for information on the fulfilment of the actions of the SEAPs of those settlements, which has joined the CoM.
City Municipality of Velenje
- Yearly reports of realized activities within Local energy concept (reported to mayor and city council)
- Yearly reports of realized activities within EU projects (reported to mayor and city council)
- Projects financed from external funding are monitored on a yearly basis. Evaluation is carried out using indicators form the projects, e.g. energy production from renewable energy sources, reduced emission of carbon dioxide, energy savings.
Stadtgemeinde Judenburg
- Energy accounting for public buildings with benchmark system (EBO)
- Reporting to Covenant of Mayors
- Audits in European Energy Award programme e5
- For many years City did not monitor and evaluate its EE policies as well as its implemented EE investments. This partially changed in 2011 (SEAP) and 2015 (set up of internal energy revolving fund) but also with effective use of National information system of energy mgmt. (ISGE). SEAP and revolving fund were developed by Regional Energy Agency North and approved by City Council where ISGE is supervised by Agency as well.
Gmina Lubawka
- Degree of implementation of listed projects and tasks