Key stakeholders in energy efficiency financing in the Czech Republic
(Energy Agency of the Zlín Region - Zlín Region)
In the case of the Czech Republic this issue is assessed from the regional perspective, from where it is easier to join together particular stakeholders from a larger area, to communicate with the national level and, at the same time to reach effectively even the smallest municipalities.
Relevant stakeholders in the financing energy efficiency on national level are mainly ministries and their institutions that participate in developing the national legislation in this topic as well as administrate financial support in energy efficiency. They are mainly:
- Ministry of Environment which is responsible for development and managing of the OP Environment, National Programme Environment and New Green Savings Programme.
- State Environmental Fund of the CR which is the intermediating body managing the operational phase of the OP Environment implementation, announces call for proposals, evaluates projects submitted, supervises project implementation and communicates with applicants on day-to day basis.
- Ministry of Trade and Industry - which is responsible for development and managment of the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness and EFEKT Programme.
- Ministry of Regional Development - which is responsible for development and management of the Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP).
On the regional and local level, the relevant stakeholders are:
- Zlín Region which is NUTS 2 region responsible for the development of the Energy Concept of the Zlín Region and of the Regional SEAP. It also intermediates a specific part of OP Environment priority axis 2 measures, namely the reduction of emissions from local energy heating sources. Particular organizations established by the Zlín Region like secondary schools, hospitals, social centers etc. send their requests for EE efficiency measures to be implemented in their building. Relevant departments of the Regional Office of the Zlín Region process these requests and incorporate them into middle-term and long-term investment plans which are regularly updated.
- Municipalities – there are over 300 municipalities in the Zlín Region. Most of them are just smaller municipalities with insufficient absorption capacitiy. Many times, they struggle with finding the way in EE financing and with financing at all. They need to operate many buildings like schools, cultural centers, kindergartens etc. and at the same time they face the risk of getting too much into debt. It is not sustainable for them to manage without an external support. Nowadays, OP Environment is prevailingly a way of financing EE for them.
- Energy Agency of the Zlín Region - EAZK was established by the Zlín Region as the executive tool for enforcement of national strategic documents into regional framework until the phase of incorporation of all national priorities into Zlín Region strategic documents and their implementation in land planning and building control such as Regional Programme of Landscape Development, Energy Action Plans etc. EAZK operates also as an advisor for particular departments of the Regional Office of the Zlín Region, especially for those in charge of regional development. EAZK was primarily established as an implementing tool of the Zlín Region’s energy policy. The agency operates also as an independent advisor for the public sector in the Zlín Region in the process of the development of energy plans and identification of suitable opportunities for investment, mainly in the field of RES, energy efficiency and low-energetic construction. EAZK has also a long-time experience in submitting and administration of projects approved within the OP Environment. This experience is based on very close and long-time cooperation with the more than 300 municipalities of the Zlín Region.
- Energy auditors are an important stakeholder group that can´t be omitted when implementing EE efficiency policy. When they work independently and separately, they cannot be aware of the complexity of the situation in the area they are suggesting their EE measures for. They tend to focus on isolated solutions instead, not taking into consideration that some other buildings in the neighborhood might face the same problem which they are solving separately. Here other complex and different solutions might bring better results because of synergy, economy of scale etc.
- Environmental centres are small advisory bodies who support the applicants locally. Their local experience is beneficial as a feedback to regional and national level.