Firstly, the BOOSTEE-CE consortium tried to define key stakeholders and their roles in EE financing in order to be able to proceed with further steps like examination of barriers to investment of these actors, the ways to deal with barriers and their assessment of particular models of EE financing. When analysing and elaborating this part of the strategy, following questions were on stake:

  • Who are the key stakeholders for energy efficiency strategy development and implementation in your area? What is their role?
  • Who takes the legal responsibility?
  • Can the legal responsibility be transferred to private companies?
  • Is the ownership, maintenance and operation of EE projects always clearly defined?
  • How do different stakeholders deal with potentially divided / shared responsibility in investment decisions?

In each country similar public and private stakeholder were identified, however, as the situation slightly differs from country to country and even from region to region, a brief analysis per each country/region follows. It may be interesting to compare the view from different perspectives of large and heavily populated regions on one side like for instance Emilia-Romagna in Italy, smaller NUTS3 regions like Zlín Region or Tolna County compared to small municipalities like for example Velenje in Slovenia or Judenburg in Austria on the other side.

Some other differences result also from slightly different legislation in each country or from the point of view of each particular subject compiling following subchapters. Especially the Hungarian case is described in a very precise as well as a comprehensive way which gives the reader a deep insight into the complexity of the issue.