Energy, CO2 and financial monitoring system in 200 public buildings

Maribor, Podravje Region, Slovenia

Municipality has implemented energy monitoring system. It is web based monitoring tool using special software programme for monitoring and analysing energy related data and preparing reports. Each public building names the responsible person for data input: data from energy bills – heat and electricity and drinking water. Energy agency follow the data, analyse it and inform the owner and the user about the results. Agency also recommend needed measure to lower the energy and costs. The data from the system is also used for the preparation of energy certificate and documents need for investment. In 2017 around 200 public buildings were in the systems. The systems is able to make benchmarking between them regarding different indicators set: energy use per m2 or per user or per year.


  • possible energy data analyse
  • lower energy costs
  • lower energy usage
  • reduced CO2 emissions

Implementation year: 2017

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