Funding leveraged by ESIF in Hungary

For Tolna County, three operational programmes are available to finance energy investments:

Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme

(different elements of energy investments could be financed at municipalities from TSDOP):

Priority 3. Conversion to low carbon emission economy especially in urban areas

Measure 2. Energetic refurbishments of municipality owned buildings, institutions and use of renewable energy sources as parts of those

Sub-measures: 321, 322.

The total available amount of the grant for 2014-2020 was 3,970,875,055.00 € (Total EU contribution from ERDF and ESF: 3,389,963,001.00 €)

Maximum rate of co-financing is 100% of eligible costs, the maximum grant requested varies by Hungarian counties.

Eligible activities of the projects are energy efficiency investments of municipality buildings and deployment of decentralised solutions of energy generation based on renewable energy sources and solutions of effectively operating the municipality buildings (heat pumps, solar panels, photovoltaic panels, upgrading of lightning infrastructure, ventilation of buildings, doors and windows, etc.), with related planning, project management and public procurement activities.

The evaluation criteria consider:

  1. eligibility of the applicant,

  2. amount of grant requested,

  3. eligibility of planned activities,

  4. time plan of the planned investment,

  5. coherence of the proposal,

Proposals can be submitted in defined submission periods (defined in calls for proposals).

Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme

(elements of smarts grids could be financed at state owned and public authorities from EEEOP)

Priority 5. Increasing energy efficiency, use of renewable energy sources (co-financed by Cohesion Fund)

Measure 2. Increasing energy efficiency and increasing use of renewable energy resources

Sub-measure 2. Energy efficiency refurbishment of buildings coupled with using renewable energy resources

Sub-measure 4. Programmes for raising awareness

The total available amount of grant for 2014-2020 was 3,784,832,361.00 € (Total EU contribution from Cohesion Fund and ERDF: 3,217,105,883.00 €). Maximum rate of co-financing: 100% of eligible costs, maximum grant requested: 1.000.000 HUF (3.225.806 EUR).

Eligible items are energy efficiency investments of public buildings, with related planning, project management and public procurement activities.

The relevant project indicators are:

  1. further renewable energy generating capacity established,

  2. amount of energy coming from renewable sources generated,

  3. decrease in the emission of greenhouse gases,

  4. decrease in the primary energy consumption of public buildings,

  5. decrease in the use of primer energy consumption as a result of energy efficiency investments

The evaluation criteria are focusing on:

  1. eligibility of the applicant,

  2. amount of grant requested,

  3. eligibility of planned activities,

  4. time plan of the planned investment,

  5. coherence of the proposal,

Proposals can be submitted in defined submission periods (defined in calls for proposals).

Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme

Some elements of energy investments could be financed at small and medium enterprises from EDIOP, therefore this source is only a complementary option in case if the applicant is an SME.