Public Sector Reporting & Monitoring Programme


A yearly report of energy usage is compiled for each public body and a score card is automatically produced by the system which provides graphs and data suitable for publishing on websites or in Annual Reports. The public body’s progress on its target glidepath is mapped, as well as the performance being benchmarked against other public bodies. The report includes information about the baseline (2009), energy saving projects, energy types and a suitable activity metric is chosen by each organisation. An activity metric is a measure of the activity that the organisation undertakes. Common activity metric used include full time equivalent(FTE) staff or floor area. The energy usage data is then adjusted for factors such as weather, uses of energy eg heating etc. The validity of submitted data is checked once the reports are selected for Data Verification Assessment (DVA). The level of checks can range from a public body providing substantiation for a specific piece of data submitted to more comprehensive assessments including on-site visits by qualified assessors. Annual results are published widely by SEAI. SEAI run annual training for users of the R&M system and have also established a user’s group to provide feedback on the system. Other complementary supports are provided by SEAI such as energy audits, grants, energy efficiency work groups (allowing exchange of best practice between and “Energy link” (an online community) to help users share information in relation to reducing fulfil their obligations.


  • possible energy data analyse
  • lower energy costs
  • lower energy usage
  • reduced CO2 emissions
  • possibility of defining the development directions

Implementation year: 2009

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