PPP in thermo-modernization of public utility facilities

Karczew, Mazovia Region , Poland

Karczew, a town located in the immediate vicinity of Warsaw, has implemented a project aimed at more efficient management of heat and electricity. The project was implemented by Siemens in the form of Public-Private Partnerships. The goal of the project was to achieve savings by monitoring the consumption of heat and electricity, improving the aesthetics of buildings and improving the energy management system. The scope of the project covered the thermo-modernization of 10 public buildings: schools and kindergartens and health centers. Modernization of the heating system in individual buildings consisted in changing the way of supplying the system from coal to gas or from electric to district heating. An energy monitoring system was used in the buildings. The most important results of the thermo-modernization work are the guaranteed savings of 56% for thermal energy and 20.9% for electricity. Verification of achieved savings is made every year after each heating season.


  • lower energy costs,
  • lower energy usage,
  • reduced CO2 emissions,
  • Improved comfort of use of buildings being the subject of the project,
  • Improved visual appearance of public buildings.

Implementation year: 2016

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