Green Hospital Project

Arezzo, Italy

It's called “Project Green Hospital” and is the initiative implemented by the USL Tuscany Southeast to make more efficient and friendly hospitals. The center of this activity are the management and the reduction of consumption of heat and energy and the attention for the illumination. The main action that was performed is the installation of cogeneration of electricity and heat fueled by methane gas in the Hospitals of Arezzo and Valdarno (the two most important Hospitals in terms of energy consumption) through which it is possible today to self-produce internally to the hospital about half the electrical energy of which the two hospitals require. At this intervention was followed by the energy upgrading of thermal power plants of 5 hospitals. A 47 kWp photovoltaic system at the Hospital of Arezzo has been installed and have started procedures to entrust the work to build one 50 kWp at the Cortona Hospital. For other properties have been carried out interventions to improve energy efficiency of thermal power stations by installing condensing boilers or thermal units energy efficient. Activities that was implemented across the board to all properties is putting in place a contract of high-performance energy service that allowed our company to significantly reduce thermal energy consumption compared to past spending.


  • possible energy data analyse
  • lower energy costs
  • lower energy usage
  • reducing CO2 emissions

Implementation year: 2011

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