ESCO Contract for 5 schools in Madrid Municipality

Madrid, Spain

The purpose is gain benefits in Water and energy supplies, energy services and fully guaranteed maintenance. It includes air conditioning, domestic hot water (ACS), indoor and outdoor lighting, plumbing and building envelopes in the energy consumer centre integrated by the buildings and equipments of 5 schools of the City council from Madrid. The contractor carried out the measures and verifications of the savings following the methodology IPMVP (International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol) and by an EVO certified technician (Efficiency Valuation Organization) or an European Energy Manager (EUREM) Certified by the Eurem network.

Energy efficiency measures implemented in the building

  • lower energy costs,
  • lower energy usage,
  • reduced CO2 emissions,
  • Improved comfort of use of buildings being the subject of the project,
  • Improved visual appearance of public buildings.

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