
  • D.T2.1.2 Smart metering Gmina Piastow POLAND (121 KB)


  • Energy Management System for Piastów Community

    Piastów, Mazovian, Poland

    Before the implementation of the investment, a stocktaking was carried out. Stocktaking included energy consumption points, thermal centers, tariffs, large energy receivers, ventilation systems. The system is controlling electrical parameters (active power, reactive power, phase voltages, power frequency) with a frequency of 33 kHz, thermal parameters (supply and return temperature in heat centres) with a frequency of 5 Hz, room climate parameters (temperature, humidity and CO2 level) once per minute. As part of the energy management system, the customer has access to online measurement data (with 2-minute delay). The client receives reports in the chosen format (pdf, excel, html). Analyst at the Network Management Centre analyses the consumption profiles, quality parameters and performs operational activities towards the optimization of energy consumption.


    Type of a building where a smart metering (SM) system is installed: schools, kindergarten, public offices, house of culture

    Responsible person for monitoring consumption: Centrum Kompetencji Teraz Energia

    Name of a company which installed the SM system: Teraz Energia sp. z o.o., Lisówek 20, 05-600 Grójec,

    Energy efficiency measures implemented in the building

    Controlling electrical, thermal and room climate parameters.

    Implementation year: 2017

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